Teaching Assistants at Indiana University

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Teaching Assistants at Indiana University

Department of Anthropology: Teach ANTH-A 122 in Fall 2023

The Anthropology Department is seeking graduate students to teach ANTH-A 122 in Fall 2023, with the possibility of contract renewal in Spring 2024. All offers are subject to the approval of the College of Arts + Sciences. ANTH-A 122’s course description is as follows: “Introduction to the study of communication, culture, identity and power. Each student does original primary research. Covers a range of topics, including small group communication around the world and among high school and college students in the United States, gendered language, slang, verbal play, texting, and institutional language.”

The compensation for ANTH-A 122 is as follows:

  • A stipend in the amount of $11,000 for the Fall semester
  • Graduate student health insurance for the Fall semester
  • Tuition remission in the amount of 12 credit hours in the Fall
  • Mandatory fee remission for the Fall semester
  • If renewed for the Spring semester, an additional stipend, health insurance, tuition remission, and fee remission will be applied for that semester. Details are subject to the offer of a Spring 2024 contract at that point in time.

Eligible graduate student applicants MUST provide the following:

  • An up-to-date c.v. or resume
    • instructional experience and/or anthropological experience is highly preferred
  • A brief cover letter explaining any teaching experience the applicant has (not limited to SAA positions). This should be no more than a paragraph or two.
  • An eligible graduate student applicant MUST be available on campus in-person for ANTH-A 122 orientation during the week of August 14-18. Your application should confirm this availability.

To apply: Email the above application materials to Dr. Jen Robinson (jenmetar@indiana.edu) and CC the Anthropology Graduate Program (anthgrad@iu.edu). The priority deadline for consideration is Thursday, June 15th. 

Email questions to anthgrad@iu.edu. 
