Western Regional minister responds to Galamsey accusation.


Western Regional minister responds to Galamsey accusation.

  • Post category:Sports

Following news that was circulated earlier today, the western Regional minister, Hon. Paul Evans Aidoo has released a statement to clear the air on reports that indicated that a regional minister has been rushed to the hospital as he collapsed out of shock when reality dawned on him that his driver had absconded with 17 million cedis which he earned from Galamsey.

The minister allegedly collapsed upon hearing the news that the driver had fled with GHC17 million in cash.
According to GhOne TV, “A Regional Minister collapses as his driver flees with the profits of a 17 million cedis from Galamsey. According to reports, the driver is currently in Ivory Coast and has refused to answer his calls as the Minister tries to track him.
Galamsey is forbidden in Ghana, but despite this, our leaders allegedly participate in it and reap ridiculous riches.

Following the release, the Western Regional minister has released a press statement to deny the publication by Star FM and GhOne TV. Reaction coming in from social media indicates that people are in support of the driver’s action and have applauded him for hitting the jackpot.


The press release read: “My attention has been drawn to a news alert by GHOne TV and Starr 103.5FM in which the said media houses purport to break the news about a regional minister who has collapsed as his driver bolts with 17 million cedis galamsey proceeds.
In the said news alert, the media houses further report that the driver is reported to be in Ivory Coast at the moment and that more is to follow.
This news alert appears to cast an innuendo on my person. It is therefore not strange that for those who are still bent on tarnishing my hard-won reputation and to distract me from executing my official duties in service to the people of my region including my unrelenting fight against illegal mining in the region, they have jumped onto this news alert to further their sinister objectives.
Please be advised that I am well and fit and carrying about my duties in good health and great spirits. lam completely unfazed by these attempts to derail my work. All well-meaning Ghanaians are therefore advised to disregard the said news alert and treat it with the contempt it deserves.
in respect of the innuendo of the news alert, I shall take appropriate remedial steps under advisement from my lawyers.”

The press release by the Western Regional Minister

Interestingly, the regional minister did not deny the rumor, but he placed attention on his health instead of sticking to the substance of the news release without even denying that he had fainted.

Many people are surprised by this statement released by the Western Regional minister, considering the fact that the earlier press release did not mention any name or even the region from which the minister came, and the general reaction is that the regional minister is trying to cover his tracks.
